Revelations of Spain in 1845

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Books Regional Library of Madrid Revelations of Spain in 1845 (1845) - Hughes, Terence McMahon    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: Revelations of Spain in 1845 / by an English Resident

Publication: London : Henry Colburn, Publisher, 1845

Physical description: 2 v. (VIII, 432 p. ; VIII, 424 p.) ; 21 cm

Notes: Autor tomado de: www British Library, 28-08-2007

Document type: Books Books

Related subjects: Descripción y viajes S.XIX España


Regional Library of Madrid
Call number: A-2811/1, A-2811/2

     Sin enc. orig. Reencuadernado en hol. con hierros en lomo

Objetos digitales (Volumen 1)
Objetos digitales (Volumen 2)
Fichero PDF (Volumen 1)
Fichero PDF (Volumen 2)