Electoral facts, from 1832 to 1852 impartially stated :...

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Books Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño Electoral facts, from 1832 to 1852 impartially stated : including the local position, nature of the constituency ... (1852) - Dod, Charles Roger

Library: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Title: Electoral facts, from 1832 to 1852 impartially stated : including the local position, nature of the constituency ... / by Charles R. Dod.

Publication: London : Whittaker and co., 1852 (Gilbert & Rivington)

Physical description: IX, [3], 374 p. ; 17 cm.

Subject / place / event: Elecciones - Gran Bretaña - S. XIX

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Gran Bretaña - Londres

Document type: Books Books

Related subjects: Gran Bretaña S. XIX Elecciones


Lázaro Galdiano Foundation
Call number: Inv. 9680

Historia de la propiedad y custodia:
     Ex-libris de la biblioteca de Cánovas del Castillo y signatura ms. de la misma.

     Enc. tela.