[Caballería atravesando Barcelona]

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Illustrations and Photographs Regional Library of Madrid [Caballería atravesando Barcelona] (1936) - Anónimo, S.XX    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: [Caballería atravesando Barcelona]

Publication: London : Fox Photos, 1936

Physical description: 1 fotografía : papel gelatina, monocromo ; 243 x 293 mm en h. de 253 x 303 mm

Type of content: Imagen (fija ; bidimensional ; visual)

Type of media: sin mediación


Other authors: Fox Photos

Document type: Illustrations and Photographs Illustrations and Photographs

Related subjects: Historia 1936-1939 (Guerra civil) Fotografía España 1936-1939 Barcelona


Regional Library of Madrid
Ubicación: Gráfico — Call number: Mg.XXVIII/1430 — Notes: Positivo rayado y con marca de doblez en el ángulo superior derecho Sello circular en tinta negra con los datos de la agencia, rectangular informando del envío a Manchester y un tercer sello con la fecha: "15 SEP 1936" Nota mecanografiada al verso: "Calling the women to arms. / Warliks scenes are to be witnessed in Barcelona To-day. / Troops are in evidence everywhere and even the womenfolk are saked to join the call to arms - posters to taht effect appearing in many parts of the city. / Photo shows- A regiment of cavalry bound for the Zargossa front clattering through the streets of Barcelona. / Fox Sept 14th. 36." y anotación en color azul: "L-P270"

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