[Soldados descansando y atendiendo a los heridos]

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Illustrations and Photographs Regional Library of Madrid [Soldados descansando y atendiendo a los heridos] (1936) - Anónimo, S.XX    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: [Soldados descansando y atendiendo a los heridos]

Publication: [London] : Keystone View Company, 1936

Physical description: 1 fotografía : papel gelatina, monocromo ; 238 x 290 mm en h. 253 x 305 mm

Type of content: Imagen (fija ; bidimensional ; visual)

Type of media: sin mediación


Other authors: Keystone View Company

Document type: Illustrations and Photographs Illustrations and Photographs

Related subjects: Historia 1936-1939 (Guerra civil) Fotografía España 1936-1939 Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma) Fotografías Getafe


Regional Library of Madrid
Ubicación: Gráfico — Call number: Mg.XXVIII/1367 — Notes: Marcas de doblez delimitando la escena principal Sello en tinta azul con datos de la agencia y sellos en tinta roja con la fecha: "D.M. - 9 NOV 1936", condiciones de reproducción y devolución y numeraciones: "4711" Notas mecanografiadas al verso: "Getafe the croydon of Madrid falls / First Pictures to be received of the attack on Madrid. From our own correspondent. 10.11.36. / O.P.S.. Wounded from the Madrid front being taken to a base behind the lines, watched by their comrades who are resting by the roadside.. / This picture was taken at Getafe after it was captured by insurgent forces. ABS.M.Keystone." y "Anti-Red troops watching a stretcher case being taken down to the base while they were resting by the roadside after capturing Getafe, only seven miles from the Spanish capital", anotación en color azul: "L-P270" y a lápiz distintas numeraciones, posiblemente referentes a medidas para publicación parcialmente tachadas en azul

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