[Saludo ibérico] : [Castellón]

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Illustrations and Photographs Regional Library of Madrid [Saludo ibérico] : [Castellón] (1938) - Anónimo, S.XX    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: [Saludo ibérico] : [Castellón]

Publication: London : Planet News, 1938

Physical description: 1 fotografía : papel gelatina, monocromo ; 240 x 188 mm

Type of content: Imagen (fija ; bidimensional ; visual)

Type of media: sin mediación


Other authors: Planet News

Document type: Illustrations and Photographs Illustrations and Photographs

Related subjects: Historia 1936-1939 (Guerra civil) Fotografía España Castellón de la Plana


Regional Library of Madrid
Ubicación: Gráfico — Call number: Mg.XXVIII/1417 — Notes: Nota al verso con dobleces y ligeramente rasgada afectando al texto Sellos en tinta azul con los datos de la agencia y las condiciones de reproducción y sellos en tinta negra con la fecha: "20 JUN 1938" y datos de envío a Manchester Nota mecanografiada al verso: "Residents welcome victorious Franco troops in Castellon. / The heaviest loss sustained by the Government forces since Franco's troops out Spain in two by their drive to Mediterranean camps when the important town of Castellon de la Plana, forty miles north of Valencia, fell after a fierce battle. / There were hand to hand fights in the streets before the loyalists surrendered. / Photo shows: Residents greeting with the Nationalist salute. General Franco's troops marching into captured Castellon. / UP June 19th 1938 PN.g.", y anotación en color azul: "L-P270"

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