Reminiscences of an excursion to Madrid, across the...

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Books Regional Library of Madrid Reminiscences of an excursion to Madrid, across the Pyrenees, in 1834 (1850) - Stracey, J.H.    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: Reminiscences of an excursion to Madrid, across the Pyrenees, in 1834

Publication: Chichester [Reino Unido] : G. Pullinger, 1850

Physical description: 90 p. ; 18 cm

Notes: Encabezamiento tomado de Foulché Delbosc. Bib. voyages, 331

Document type: Books Books

Related subjects: Descripción y viajes S.XIX España


Regional Library of Madrid
Call number: A-1120 — Notes: Dedicatoria ms. del autor

     Enc. tela verde con hierros dorados, orla central gofrada y tit. dorado en plano superior

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