Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and...

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Books Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and revealed religion (1851) - Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick, 1802-1865

Library: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Title: Twelve lectures on the connexion between science and revealed religion / delibered in Rome by cardinal Wiseman.

Edition: 4th. ed.

Publication: London : Charles Dolman, 1851 (Cox (brothers) and Wyman)

Physical description: 2 v. ; 18 cm.

Notes: T.I (XIII, [2], 360 p., [2] h. pleg. de lám.) - T.II ([4], 300 p., [2] h. de lám. pleg.)

Subject / place / event: Ciencia

Document type: Books Books


Instituto Superior de Ciencias Morales (Padres Redentoristas), Madrid
Call number: 386-1-1/2

     Enc. tela.