Medulla Medicinae Universae or, A new compendious...

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Books Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño Medulla Medicinae Universae or, A new compendious dispensatory (1771.)

Library: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Title: Medulla Medicinae Universae or, A new compendious dispensatory / compiled at the Command of the lake Duke of Cumberland for the use of the Military Hospital Abroad by the king's Physicians and Surgeons, the Surgeon-General, and Apothecary-General to the Army ; to wich is added an english translation with a comment subjoined to each prescription by John Theobal.

Edition: The seventh edition with a large additional appendix and directions annexed concerning bleeding.

Publication: London : printed for J. Whiston, J. Rivington, B. White, R. Horsfield, T. Logman, S. Crowder, T. Caslon and W. Griffin, 1771.

Physical description: VII, [1] en bl., [2], 3-215 p., [1] en bl. ; 8º.

Notes: Sign.: A5, B-K12.

Subject / place / event: Medicina

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Gran Bretaña - Londres

Secondary titles: Título: A new compendious dispensatory.

Document type: Books Books


Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, Madrid
Call number: 8-1 A Gobierno 20

     Enc. pasta.

Universidad Complutense, Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla
Call number: BH MED 8727 — Nº de registro: R. i39165139 — Notes: Sello del Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos. - Ingresó en la Biblioteca Histórica procedente de la Facultad de Medicina en 2000. - Encuadernación de pasta