The works of William Hogarth in a series of engravings :...

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Books Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño The works of William Hogarth in a series of engravings : with descriptions and a comment on their moral tendency (s.a.) - Hogarth, William

Library: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Title: The works of William Hogarth in a series of engravings : with descriptions and a comment on their moral tendency / by John Trusler and others ; to wich are added anecdotes of the author and his works by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols.

Publication: London and New York : The London Printing and Publishing Company-Limited, [s.a.]

Physical description: 280 p. : principalmente il. ; 28 cm.

Notes: Aunque la pág. es corrida en los indices se indican 2 v.
Probablemente impreso en el S. XIX.

Subject / place / event: Pintura inglesa

Other authors: Trusler, John

Document type: Books Books


Lázaro Galdiano Foundation
Call number: Inv. 10224

     Enc. hol. puntas con hierros dorados.

Real Gran Peña, Madrid
Call number: FD 16-9-25 — Nº de registro: R. 6081

Historia de la propiedad y custodia:
     Legado Fernández Durán.

     Enc. piel con hierros dorados.