Studies from the Biological Laboratory

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Libros Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño Studies from the Biological Laboratory (1884)

Sección: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Título: Studies from the Biological Laboratory / editor H. Newell Martin ; associate editor W. K. Brooks.

Publicación: Baltimore : published by N. Murray, 1884 (press of Isaac Friedenwald)

Descripción física: v. ; 23 cm.


Materia / geográfico / evento: Medicina - Estudios y conferencias

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Estados Unidos - Baltimore

Autores secundarios: Howell, W.M. H. Notes on the composition of the blood and lymph of the slider terrapin (pseudemys rugosa)
Howell, W.M. H. Origin of the fibrin formed in the coagulation of blood
Beyer, H.G. On the action of carbolic acid, atropia and convallaria on the heart; with some observations on the influence of oxigenated and non-oxigenated blood, and of blood in various degrees of disolution
Stevens, Lewis T. Action of intermittent pressure and of defibrinated blood upon the frog and the terrapin
Lee, Frederic S. Action of intermittent pressure and of defibrinated blood upon the bloodvessels of teh frog and the terrapin
Brooks, W.K, ed. lit.
Martin, Newell H, ed. lit.

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Otros temas relacionados: Estudios y conferencias Medicina


Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, Madrid
Signatura: 27-2 Biblioteca 13(2) — Notas: Sólo tomo III, nº2

     Enc. hol.