Memoirs of Count Lally, from his embarking for the East...

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Libros Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño Memoirs of Count Lally, from his embarking for the East Indies, as Commander in Chief of the French forces in that... (1766.) - Lally, Thomas-Arthur Comte de, 1702-1766     earth

Sección: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Título: Memoirs of Count Lally, from his embarking for the East Indies, as Commander in Chief of the French forces in that country, to his being sent prisoner of war to England, after the surrender of Pondichery : consisting of pieces written by himself and addressed to his judges, in answer to the charges brought against him by the attorney general of his Most Christian Majesty ... to which are added accounts of the prior part of his life, his condemnation, and execution; with such other pieces, (most of them produced on his trial) as were thought most necessary to illustrate his civil and military character.

Publicación: London : printed by Charles Kiernan : for F. Newbery ..., 1766.

Descripción física: xi, [4], [1] en bl., 375 p., [1] en bl., [1] h. pleg. de mapa ; 8º.

Notas: Copia digital : Google Books. Ejemplar de la Universidad Complutense.
Sign.: []1, a7, B-Z8, 2A8, 2B4.
La h. pleg. calcográfica mapa de las operaciones militares en las Indias Orientales.

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Gran Bretaña - Londres

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Otros temas relacionados: Historia Francia Gran Bretaña India


Universidad Complutense, Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla
Signatura: BH FG 2988 — Signatura anterior: Olim: 21.01. — Nº de registro: R. i35280025 — Notas: Ingresó en la Biblioteca Histórica en 2006 procedente de la Biblioteca de don Francisco Guerra.

     Enc. de piel fileteada en oro.
