Digital Library of Madrid (DLM) allows access to digitized resources by means of two search options:
To make search easier for all users, the DLM offers the possibility of making advanced full-text search of all the printed items belonging to the collection.
This advantage, which is based on the optical character recognition (OCR), multiplies the possibilities of recovering information and it allows to track down any person’s name, place, etc… appearing in any work’s pages.
Word search
Advanced full-text search is done through the DLM home page or selecting “Full-text search“ option through the assisted catalogue search.
Introduce in the search bar the key word or words that you want to search separated by a blank space.
Pages display
Once the search is done, you can see the context in which the term (bold) appears in each result. For example, "Puerta del Sol":
You can access the work’s bibliographic details by clicking the title and go directly to the complete text by clicking "Objetos digitales" or "Fichero PDF", which allows the document to be downloaded.
DLM works can be searched in the catalogue option found in the main menu. The user has different search types.
Assisted search (clicking Search)
The characters (*) and (?) can be used for partial or prefix searching. For instance, “ilustr*” will recover words such as illustration, illustrative, etc… However, these characters should not be used at the beginning of the search.
Advanced Search (clicking Advanced search in Search page)
Advanced Search allows searching with one or more fields. Searches with more fields than one will be combined with Boolean software (AND, OR, NOT). This type of search is recommended for more precise results.
Boolean operators:
First, select a field and a term, then choose the search method (AND, OR, NOT) and finally click “Search”.
The characters (*) and (?) can be used for partial or prefix searching. For instance, “ilustr*” will recover words such as illustration, illustrative, etc… However, these characters should not be used at the beginning of the search.
The fields that you can choose are: any field, author, tittle, place, publisher/printer, date, etc.:
Both the Assisted Search and Advanced Search can combine with the library subject collections.
List of authors, titles and subjects/topics.
These lists are organized in alphabetical order and they show between 20 and 40 results on each screen. There is the possibility to go from screen to screen through arrows, selecting a page or selecting all the results that start with a letter.
It is possible to link these results to the selected resources. Besides, next to each result there is the number with all the linked resources.
This way of accessing the library resources can be less precise; however, it can give the user a wider knowledge about the exist resources in the DLM.
Serials publications lists
Magazines and newspapers can be found by the title in the alphabetic list and by the edition date.
There are three options:
When doing a search the results list is shown. The results are display in alphabetic order.
However, the user can select how to organize the results. They can be organized by different fields, according to the user’s needs, and both alphabetically ascending and descending.
Before the entry of each result, there is an icon describing each result. There are different types of resources:
At the end of the bibliographic description of the document there is the icon showing the correspondent format of the digital resource: Digital objects, PDF file, etc.
Another option is that the resource is linked to an external URL where the digital copy is.
This result list allows:
To select the wanted resources by clicking the check-box appearing at the beginning of the resource’s entry.
To display the entire bibliographic resource by clicking on the title.
Exporting records
All the records appearing in the search results can be exported. You must select the items and click on "Export selected", the you can select the format:
Lastly, the download method will be selected:
Once the options are selected you will have to click on “export”.
From this section the option of exporting the current record or all the records is also available.
Using the link leading to the digitized resources, the user will be able to access the image visualization screen and consult the resource.
Pictures will be shown in miniaturize and by clicking on them the user can increase their size, allowing the user to consult page by page.
Download / print: With this option the images can be saved in PDF or jpg format. If they are saved in PDF format the user will be able to save the whole document or just parts of it. If images are saved in jpg the user will only be able to save that selected page. Once the images are saved the user has the possibility to print them or download them.
Visualization tools
When one of the images is selected, the program allows the user to visualize page by page, to increase and decrease the size and to turn the image both clockwise and anti-clockwise, among other options.
There are many options in the top navigation bar:
Create a link to the document
By clicking Permanent link you can see, copy and paste the URL of the document, so you will be able to access directly to the consulted document or send it. It is a way to allow direct access to the images of a particular document.