[Desfile de Pascua] : [Madrid]

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Illustrations and Photographs Regional Library of Madrid [Desfile de Pascua] : [Madrid] (1939) - Anónimo, S.XX    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: [Desfile de Pascua] : [Madrid]

Publication: London : Supplied by Wide World Photos, 1939

Physical description: 1 fotografía : papel gelatina, bl. y n. ; 173 x 234 mm en h. de 191 x 240 mm

Type of content: Imagen (fija ; bidimensional ; visual)

Type of media: sin mediación


Document type: Illustrations and Photographs Illustrations and Photographs

Related subjects: Historia 1936-1939 (Guerra civil) Fotografía España 1936-1939 Madrid


Regional Library of Madrid
Ubicación: Gráfico — Call number: Mg.XXVIII/1421 — Notes: Pequeñas manchas rojizas y pérdida de color en partes de la escena. Nota rasgada afectando al texto Sellos en tinta azul con los datos de la agencia y la fecha: "6 APR 1939" y en tinta negra con los datos de envío a Manchester Nota mecanografiada adherida al verso: "An Easter Parade in Madrid: / Nem picture just received from Spain. / Wide World Photo shows:- / Carrying a large picture of general Franco and Nationalist Spain colours these Senoritas are taking part in a jubilant parade through Madrid to celebrate the end of the Spanish War. Many such 'victory marches' and joyous celebrations will take place during Easter in Madrid. / D. 9634. 5/4/39 46"; y en pintura azul: "L-P270"

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