Narrative of the proceedings of the deputation to Madrid...

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Books Regional Library of Madrid Narrative of the proceedings of the deputation to Madrid on behalf of the spanish prisoners : with an introduction,... (1864) - Steane, Edward, 1798-1882    

Library: Regional Library of Madrid

Title: Narrative of the proceedings of the deputation to Madrid on behalf of the spanish prisoners : with an introduction, and appendix containing the petitions / by Edward Steane

Publication: London : Published for the British Organization of the Evangelical Alliance, by James Nisbet, 1864

Physical description: 68 p., [1] h. de lám. ; 21 cm

Notes: Tít. de la cub.: Narrative of the european deputation to Madrid. May, 1863
Retr. de los 25 miembros de la delegación

Document type: Books Books

Related subjects: España S.XIX Protestantismo Intolerancia religiosa


Regional Library of Madrid
Call number: A-Caj.126/11 — Notes: Dedicatoria ms. de John Hodgkin, uno de los miembros de la delegación, a su hija Ann en tapa anterior Ejemplar para conservación

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