The pearl among the virtues or Words of advice to...

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Books Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño The pearl among the virtues or Words of advice to christian youth (1877.) - Doss, Adolph Von

Library: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Title: The pearl among the virtues or Words of advice to christian youth / by A. de Doss ; translated fron the original german by a Catholic Priest.

Publication: Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1877.

Physical description: 264 p. ; 16 cm.

Subject / place / event: Vida espiritual

Secondary titles: Título: Words of advice to christian youth.

Document type: Books Books


Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid
Call number: 2444 72

     Enc. ed. en tela verde con hierros dorados.