A defense of the doctrine and practice of the Church of...

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Libros Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño A defense of the doctrine and practice of the Church of England against some modern innovations with respects to the... (1712.)

Sección: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Título: A defense of the doctrine and practice of the Church of England against some modern innovations with respects to the supremacy of the crown, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a sacrifice, Baptism administer'd by Lay-Men invalid.

Publicación: London : printed for John Morphew, 1712.

Descripción física: 64 p. ; 8º.

Notas: Sign.: A-D8.

Autores secundarios: Morphew, John, imp.

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros


Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid
Signatura: XVIII-6837(5)

     Enc. piel.