A late discourse made in a solemne Assembly of Nobles and...

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Libros Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño A late discourse made in a solemne Assembly of Nobles and Learned Men at Montpellier in France (1658.) - Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665

Sección: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Madrileño

Título: A late discourse made in a solemne Assembly of Nobles and Learned Men at Montpellier in France / by Sr. Kenelme Digby ... touching the cure of wounds by the Powder of sympathy ; with Instructions how to make the said Powders whereby many other secrets of nature are unfolded ; Faelix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas ; rendred faithfully ont of french into english by R. White ...

Publicación: London : printed for R. Lownes and T. Davis : and are to be sold at their shops in Sr. Pauls Church yard, at the sign of the White Lion and at the Bible over against the little North Door of St. Pauls Church, 1658.

Descripción física: [10], 152 p. ; 12º (15 cm.)

Notas: Sign.: A3-6, B-G12, H4.
Iniciales grabadas xilográficas.

Materia / geográfico / evento: Heridas y lesiones - Tratamiento

Nombre jerárquico lugar: Gran Bretaña - Londres

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros

Otros temas relacionados: Tratamiento Heridas y lesiones


Fundación Juanelo Turriano, Madrid
Signatura: 5ANT/24