Spanie : Newly described, with many adictions, both in...

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Mapas Biblioteca Regional de Madrid Spanie : Newly described, with many adictions, both in the attires of people & the setuations of their cheifest cityes (1676)    

Sección: Biblioteca Regional de Madrid

Título: Spanie [Material cartográfico] : Newly described, with many adictions, both in the attires of people & the setuations of their cheifest cityes / by John Speed 1626

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:2.890.000]. 16 Spanish Miles [=3,5 cm]

Publicación: [London] : Are to be sold by Thomas Basset in Fleet Street & Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church yard, [1676]

Descripción física: 1 mapa : grab. col. ; 38 x 47 cm en h. de 43 x 55 cm


Materia / geográfico / evento: España - Mapas
Portugal - Mapas

Nombre jerárquico lugar: España

Tipo de publicación: Mapas Mapas

Otros temas relacionados: Mapas España Portugal


Biblioteca Regional de Madrid
Signatura: Mp.VII/29

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